兰蔻Lancome、乔治·阿玛尼(Giorgio Armani)、圣罗兰 Select your Country、HR赫莲娜 Helena Rubinstein、科颜氏 Kiehl's、植村秀shu uemura、碧欧泉 (Biotherm)、科莱丽Clarisonic、羽西、巴黎欧莱雅 L'OREAL PARIS、美即MG、美宝莲纽约Maybelline New York、小护士Mininurse。
薇姿Vichy、理肤泉La Roche-posay、修丽可Skin Ceuticals。
3、香水拉夫劳伦Ralph Lauren、迪塞尔Diesel。
1. 在浏览器中打开Minecraft官方网站(。
2. 点击右上角的登录按钮,使用您的Minecraft帐户登录。
3. 在页面右上角的菜单中,选择“个人资料”。
4. 单击“更改皮肤”按钮。
5. 在“更改皮肤”页面上,您可以选择上传自己的皮肤,或从Minecraft官方皮肤库中选择一个皮肤。
6. 选择您喜欢的皮肤后,单击“保存更改”按钮。
7. 完成后,您的新皮肤将在游戏中生效。
1. 打开Minecraft.net的官方网站,并登录账户。
2. 点击页面右上角的“Profile”(个人资料)按钮。
3. 在“Profile”页面中,点击“Browse”(浏览)按钮,选择你要使用的皮肤图片。
4. 点击“Upload”(上传)按钮,等待上传完成。
5. 确认皮肤图片已经上传,然后关闭页面。
6. 打开Minecraft游戏客户端,进入“Options”(选项)菜单。
7. 在“Options”菜单中,点击“Skin Customization”(皮肤定制)按钮。
8. 在“Skin Customization”菜单中,选择“Change Skin”(更换皮肤)选项。
9. 选择“Browse”按钮,找到你刚刚上传的皮肤图片。
10. 点击“Select”(选择)按钮,确认更换皮肤。
11. 关闭“Skin Customization”菜单,你的皮肤已经更换成功了。
movement_speed = 0.15 行军速度
light_cavalry_pursuit_mult = 0.2 轻骑兵追击
light_cavalry_toughness_mult = 0.3 轻骑兵坚韧
light_cavalry_damage_mult = 0.3 轻骑兵伤害
light_cavalry_screen_add = 5 轻骑兵掩护
heavy_cavalry_pursuit_mult = 0.2 重骑兵追击
heavy_cavalry_toughness_mult = 0.3 重骑兵坚韧
heavy_cavalry_damage_mult = 0.3 重骑兵伤害
heavy_cavalry_screen_add = 5 重骑兵掩护
skirmishers_pursuit_mult = 0.2 散兵追击
skirmishers_damage_mult = 0.2 散兵伤害
skirmishers_toughness_mult = 0.1 散兵坚韧
skirmishers_screen_add = 5 散兵掩护
heavy_infantry_toughness_mult = 0.15 重步坚韧
heavy_infantry_pursuit_mult = 0.15 重步追击
heavy_infantry_damage_mult = 0.15 重步伤害
heavy_infantry_screen_add = 5 重步掩护
pikemen_screen_add = 5 矛兵掩护
pikemen_toughness_mult = 0.3 矛兵坚韧
pikemen_pursuit_mult = 0.3 矛兵追击
pikemen_damage_mult = 0.3 矛兵坚韧
archers_screen_add = 5 弓箭掩护
archers_damage_mult = 0.3 弓箭伤害
archers_pursuit_mult = 0.3 弓箭追击
archers_pursuit_mult = 0.3 弓箭坚韧
counter_efficiency = 0.25 士兵克制效率
retreat_losses = -0.25 撤退损失
siege_weapon_siege_value_mult = 0.4 攻城武器效率
naval_movement_speed_mult = 0.25 海军速度
supply_capacity_mult = 2 补给能力
raid_speed = 0.25 劫掠速度
army_maintenance_mult = -0.15 军队维护
knight_effectiveness_mult = 0.75 骑士战斗力
hard_casualty_modifier = -0.2 士兵损失
age添加输入的[数量]年龄到[角色id],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。负数允许减少。[数量] [角色id]age 20
add_claim添加对[头衔id]的宣称到[角色id],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。[头衔id] [角色id]add_claim e_hre
add_doctrine添加[教条id]到[信仰id], 如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色信仰。按TAB显示所有教条id。[教条id] [信仰id]add_doctrine doctrine_pluralism_fundamentalist catholic
add_dread添加输入[数量]的恐怖值到[角色id],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。负数允许减少。[数量] [角色id]add_dread 100
add_maa添加输入的 [兵种id] 部队到[角色id],[角色id],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。按TAB显示所有兵种id。[兵种id] [角色id]add_maa bowmen
add_perk添加输入的[技能id] 到[角色id],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。按TAB显示所有技能id。[技能id] [角色id]add_perk thoughtful_perk
add_piety添加输入[数量]的虔诚到玩家角色。负数允许减少虔诚。默认1000。[数量]add_piety 9000
add_prestige添加输入[数量]的威望到玩家角色。负数允许减少虔诚。默认1000。[数量]add_prestige 16000
add_realm_law添加输入的[法律id] 到[角色id]的国家,如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色国家。按TAB显示所有法律id。[法律id] [角色id]add_realm_law crown_authority_3
add_realm_law_skip_effects添加输入的[法律id] 到[角色id]的国家,如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色国家。按TAB显示所有法律id。[法律id] [角色id]add_realm_law_skip_effects crown_authority_3
add_relation添加[关系id]到[角色id]与[角色id], 如果其中一个没有选定id默认为玩家角色。[关系id] [角色id]add_relation friend 1234
add_secret添加输入的[秘密id] 到玩家角色。按TAB显示所有秘密id。[秘密id]add_secret secret_witch
add_stress添加输入[数量]的压力值到[角色id],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。负数允许减少。[数量] [角色id]add_stress 50
add_title_law添加[继承法id]到[头衔id].[头衔id] [法律id]add_title_law e_hre feudal_elective_succession_law
add_trait添加输入的[特质id] 到[角色id],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。按TAB显示所有特质id。[特质id] [角色id]add_trait witch
add_lifestyle_xp_all添加输入[数量]的经验到[角色id]的所有生活方式,如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。默认1000。[数量] [角色id]add_lifestyle_xp_all 2000
add_diplomacy_lifestyle_xp添加输入[数量]的经验到[角色id]的外交生活方式,如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。默认1000。[数量] [角色id]add_diplomacy_lifestyle_xp 2000
add_martial_lifestyle_xp添加输入[数量]的经验到[角色id]的军事生活方式,如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。默认1000。[数量] [角色id]add_martial_lifestyle_xp 2000
add_stewardship_lifestyle_xp添加输入[数量]的经验到[角色id]的管理生活方式,如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。默认1000。[数量] [角色id]add_stewardship_lifestyle_xp 2000
add_intrigue_lifestyle_xp添加输入[数量]的经验到[角色id]的谋略生活方式,如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。默认1000。[数量] [角色id]add_intrigue_lifestyle_xp 2000
add_learning_lifestyle_xp添加输入[数量]的经验到[角色id]的学识生活方式,如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。默认1000。[数量] [角色id]add_learning_lifestyle_xp 2000
change_culture改变[地区id]的文化到[文化id].[地区id] [文化id]change_culture 496 swedish
change_development_level添加输入[数量]的发展度到[地区id],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色首都。负数允许减少。[数量] [地区id]change_development_level 100 496
change_fervor添加输入[数量]的宗教热情到[信仰id],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色信仰。负数允许减少。默认10。[数量] [信仰id]change_fervor 100 catholic
change_diplomacy添加输入的[数量]到[角色id]的外交属性,如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。负数允许减少。[数量] [角色id]change_diplomacy 16
change_martial添加输入的[数量]到[角色id]的外交属性,如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。负数允许减少。[数量] [角色id]change_martial 16
change_stewardship添加输入的[数量]到[角色id]的管理属性,如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。负数允许减少。[数量] [角色id]change_stewardship 16
change_intrigue添加输入的[数量]到[角色id]的谋略属性,如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。负数允许减少。[数量] [角色id]change_intrigue 16
change_learning添加输入的[数量]到[角色id]的学识属性,如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。负数允许减少。[数量] [角色id]change_learning 16
change_prowess添加输入的[数量]到[角色id]的勇武属性,如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。负数允许减少。[数量] [角色id]change_prowess 16
clear_title_laws移除[头衔id]的所有继承法。[头衔id]clear_title_laws e_hre
discover_era解锁玩家角色的文化的[时代id]的所有革新,如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。按TAB显示所有时代id。[时代id]discover_era culture_era_early_medieval
discover_innovation解锁[角色id]的文化的[革新id],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。按TAB显示所有革新id。[革新id] [角色id]discover_innovation innovation_motte
dynasty_prestige添加输入[数量]的宗族威望到[宗族id],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色宗族。负数允许减少。默认1000。[数量] [宗族id]dynasty_prestige 100000
event触发[事件id].[事件id]event lifestyle_nicknames.0001
give_title给予[头衔id]给[角色id],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。[头衔id] [角色id]give_title e_hre
gold给予输入[数量]的金钱到玩家角色。负数允许减少。默认1000。[数量]add_gold 500
join_era将[角色id]的文化带入[时代id],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。按TAB显示所有时代id。[时代id]join_era culture_era_high_medieval
merge_culture将所有[文化id]地区的文化改为[文化id]。[文化id] [文化id]merge_culture greek swedish
pregnancy使女性[角色id]怀上[角色id]的孩子,如果没有选定id默认为未知角色。[角色id][角色id]pregnancy 1234
remove_doctrine移除[信仰id]的[教条id], 如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色信仰。按TAB显示所有教条id。[教条id] [信仰id]remove_doctrine doctrine_pluralism_righteous catholic
remove_relation移除[角色id]与[角色id]的[关系id], 如果其中一个没有选定id默认为玩家角色。[关系id] [角色id]remove_relation friend 1234
remove_trait移除[角色id]的[特质id],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。按TAB显示所有特质id。[特质id] [角色id]remove_trait witch
set_culture改变[角色id]的[文化id],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。按TAB显示所有文化id。[文化id] [角色id]set_culture swedish
set_dread改变[角色id]的恐怖值[数量],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。[数量 [角色id]set_dread 100
set_faith改变[角色id]的[信仰id],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。按TAB显示所有信仰id。[信仰id] [角色id]set_faith catholic
set_focus改变[角色id]的[重心id],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。[重心id] [角色id]set_focus diplomacy_majesty_focus
set_nick给予[称号id]到[角色id],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。[称号id] [角色id]set_nick nick_the_lazy
set_sexuality改变[角色id]的[性取向id],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。[性取向id] [角色id]set_sexuality bisexual
set_stress改变[角色id]的压力值[数量],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。[数量] [角色id]set_stress 0
set_diplomacy改变[角色id]的外交属性[数量],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。[数量] [角色id]set_diplomacy 16
set_martial改变[角色id]的军事属性[数量],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。[数量] [角色id]set_martial 16
set_stewardship改变[角色id]的管理属性[数量],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。[数量] [角色id]set_stewardship 16
set_intrigue改变[角色id]的谋略属性[数量],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。[数量] [角色id]set_intrigue 16
set_learning改变[角色id]的学识属性[数量],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。[数量] [角色id]set_learning 16
set_prowess改变[角色id]的勇武属性[数量],如果没有选定id默认为玩家角色。[数量] [角色id]set_prowess 16
effect执行effect代码文件。(译:详情查看游戏的effect文件夹里的内容)[effect代码]effect test
faction_spawn创建新[派系种类]如果有国家允许创建。[派系种类]faction_spawn peasant_faction
help打印[命令]的说明,如果没有参数将打印所有控制台命令。[命令]help help
play改变玩家角色到[角色id].[角色id]play 1234
run执行[文件名称]中的所有命令. 文件必须放在Documents/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings III.无run test.ini
set_is_ai允许AI控制[角色id].[角色id]set_is_ai 1234
set_is_player禁止AI控制[角色id].[角色id]set_is_player 1234
tutorial.enable [gamestate/global/all (default: global)] - Enable the tutorial开启教程
tutorial.disable [gamestate/global/all (default: global)] - Disable the tutorial关闭教程
tutorial.debugwindow - Shows the tutorial debug window显示教程调试窗口
event [eventid] [character] - Trigger an event for a character为角色触发事件
debug_event [eventid] [character] - Trigger an event for a character. It will also print the event trigger, which can however cause some false positive error logs.为角色触发事件。此选项还会显示事件触发器,但是可能会导致误报错误日志。
test_event [eventid] [character] - Evaluate if an event can be triggered for a character. It will also print the event trigger to the console, which can however cause some false positive error logs.评估是否可以为角色触发事件。此选项还会将事件触发器传至控制台,但是可能会导致误报错误日志。
discover_innovation(add_innovation) - Discover an innovation for a character's culture探索角色文化的创新
discover_fascination(add_fascination) [character (optional)] - Discover the innovation that is the current fascination for a character's culture探索当前对角色文化着迷的创新
join_era(unlock_era) [era] [character (optional)] - Join a certain era (and all previous ones)加入一个时代(以及之前的所有时代)
discover_era [era (optional, default is current era)] [character (optional)] - Discover all innovations of a certain era (and the era itself)发现一个时代(以及时代本身)的所有创新
discover_all_eras [character (optional)] - Discover all eras and all innovations探索所有时代和所有创新
set_faith [faith] [character (optional)] - Sets the faith of a character设定角色的信仰
dynasty_prestige [amount (optional, default: 1000)] [dynasty ID (optional, default: player dynasty)] - Adds prestige to the given dynasty在所处的朝代中提升声望
gain_all_dynasty_perks [character (optional)] - Gives a dynasty (currently played character's dynasty by default) all perks赋予王朝所有特权(默认为当前所扮演角色的王朝)
log_missing_game_concept_loc - Logs all game concepts that have not had their loc key defined记录所有尚未定义loc键的游戏概念
kill(die) [character (optional)] - Kill a character (currently played character by default)杀死一名角色(默认为当前扮演角色)
gain_all_perks [character (optional)] - Gives a character (currently played character by default) all perks赋予一名角色所有特权(默认为当前扮演角色)
add_perk [perk] [character(optional)[- Gives a character (currently played character by default) a specific perk赋予一名角色一项特权(默认为当前扮演角色)
instant_birth - Toggles if children should be born instantly or as normal开/关是否要立即或正常生育子女
AI.declare_war [character(optional)] - Causes the AI to declare a war (according to normal weighting), bypassing all pacing checks and the like使AI宣战(根据正常权重),绕过所有步调检查等
generate_cadet_coa [character (optional)] - Generate a CoA for this character as if they were a cadet of their dynasty为此角色生成一个CoA,将其视为王朝替补
add_doctrine [doctrine] [faith(optional)] - Adds a given doctrine to a faith在一种信仰中加入一项教义
remove_doctrine [doctrine] [faith(optional)] - Removes a given doctrine from a faith从一种信仰中移除一项教义
add_realm_law [law] [character(optional)] - Adds a realm law增加一项领域法
add_realm_law_skip_effects [law] [character(optional)] - Adds a realm law, skips the cost and the pass effect, and the (r)括号删掉evoke effects of the current law增加一项领域法,跳过成本和效果,以及当前法律的废除效果
set_culture [culture] [character(optional)] - Sets the culture of a character设定角色的文化
change_fervor [amount(optional)] [faith(optional)] - Changes the fervor of a faith改变信仰的热情
add_secret [type] [target(optional)] [character(optional)] - Gives a character (currently played character by default) a specific secret向角色透露一项机密(默认为当前扮演角色)
change_development_level [amount] [province_id(optional)] - Changes the development level of a county, defaults to capital更改一个县的发展水平,默认为首都
faction_spawn [faction_type] - Spawns a faction of the specified type产生指定类型的派系
faction_discontent [faction_type] [discontent_value]- Sets discontent of the first faction of the specified type设置指定类型的首个派系的不满
faction_demand [faction_type] - The first faction of the specified type sends its demand指定类型的首个派系发出其需求
dump_pool_stats - Dump statistics about the pool to 'logs/pool_stats.csv'将该池有关的统计信息转存至'logs/pool_stats.csv'
dump_character_creation_stats - Dump statistics about the pool to 'logs/character_creation_stats.csv'将该池有关的统计信息转存至'logs/character_creation_stats.csv'
fast_tick - Faster ticking (lower frame rate)每天加快(帧率降低)
instamove(quickmove) - units move one province each day一个省的单位移动
supress_messages - Toggle if all messages (toasts/(n)括号删掉otifications) should be suppressed开/关是否要屏蔽所有消息(提示/通知)
force_save_compression - Toggle if saves should be compressed开/关是否要压缩存档
dump_bookmark_portraits - Writes portrait data for all bookmark characters at current date为当前日期的所有书签字符写入人像数据
print_ai_timings - Prints profiling data about ai显示关于ai的分析数据
Portrait.ClearCache - Clears the portrait cache. Forces all portraits to refresh清除人像缓存。强制所有人像刷新
portrait_editor(pe) - Open the portrait editor打开人像编辑器
spawnentity [entity name] [state (optional)]- Spawns specified entity at cursor position在光标位置生成指定实体
clearspawnedentities - Clears entities spawned with spawnentity command清除使用spawnentity命令生成的实体
MapObjects.GenerateGameLocators [type] ]filename (optional)] - Generates locators for the game's map objects为游戏的地图对象生成定位器
MapObjects.Debug - Prints out map object debug information显示地图对象调试信息
Camera.Debug - Prints out camera debug information显示相机调试信息
Camera.Save - Save camera position保存相机位置
Camera.Load - Load camera position加载相机位置
Map.SavePNG [map mode] [file name] [yes/no Should render flat (optional)] - Save a png of the map with a specific color mode使用特定的颜色模式保存地图的png
Adjacencies.Rebuild - Rebuild all adjacencies重建所有邻接关系
spawnline [line name] [start position 'x,y,z' (no spaces)] [end position x,y,z (no spaces)]> - Spawns specified line between 2 positions在2个位置之间生成指定的行
clearlines - Clear lines清除行
SplineNetwork.GenerateAssets - Undefined未定义
shader_debug - Undefined未定义
compoundnodeeditor - Compound Node Editor复合节点编辑器
particleeditor - Particle Node Editor粒子节点编辑器
script_docs(script_documentation) - Prints script documentation显示脚本文档
settings - Spawns a settings GUI生成设置GUI
screenshot - Take screenshot屏幕截图
tweak - Spawns a tweaker GUI生成系统优化GUI
textureviewer - Texture Viewer纹理查看器
texturelist - Texture List纹理列表
tools.skins - Skin Editor皮肤编辑器
3dstats - Toggles 3D Stats开/关3D统计
audio.list_events - List audio event列出音频事件
audio.play_event [Audio event] - Play audio event播放音频事件
audio.cpu_info - Shows current cpu usage显示当前的CPU使用情况
vsync - Toggle main swapchains vsync切换主交换链垂直同步
gfx.reloadtexture - Reload textures重新加载纹理
rendertype - Reports what render backend is used报告所使用的渲染后端
Threading.TaskThreadCount [The number of task threads] - Set or get the number of task threads设置或获取任务线程数
CrashReporter.SimulateCrash - Simulates a crash (resulting in the game exiting).模拟崩溃(会导致游戏退出)。
CrashReporter.DeleteCrashData - Delete local crash dumps older than X days.删除X天前的本地崩溃转储。 - Select active gfx skin选择现存gfx皮肤
Dockables.Create [Dockable name] - Create dockable创建可停靠
Dockables.CreateLayout [Dockable layout name] - Create dockable layout创建可停靠布局
gui_editor - Spawns gui editor生成GUI编辑器
DumpDataTypes - Dumps the registered data types转储已注册的数据类型
map_editor - Toggle map editor开/关地图编辑器
Music.StopTrack - Stops the currently playing track停止当前播放的曲目
Music.Weight - Shows or sets the current weight of the music system显示或设置音乐系统的当前权重
Music.PlayTrack [track name] - Plays the specified track播放指定的曲目
Music.Reset - Resets the music system重置音乐系统
Debug.Achievements.ResetAll - Locks all achievements again再次锁定所有成就
explorer - Shows an object explorer window显示一个对象浏览器窗口
add_lifestyle_xp_all [amount(optional)] [character(optional)] - Adds xp all lifestyle将xp添加到所有生活方式中
add_diplomacy_lifestyle_xp [amount(optional)] [character(optional)] - Adds xp to the given lifestyle将xp添加到指定生活方式中
add_martial_lifestyle_xp [amount(optional)] [character(optional)] - Adds xp to the given lifestyle将xp添加到指定生活方式中
add_stewardship_lifestyle_xp [amount(optional)] [character(optional)] - Adds xp to the given lifestyle将xp添加到指定生活方式中
add_intrigue_lifestyle_xp [amount(optional)] [character(optional)] - Adds xp to the given lifestyle将xp添加到指定生活方式中
add_learning_lifestyle_xp [amount(optional)[ [character(optional)] - Adds xp to the given lifestyle将xp添加到指定生活方式中
switchlanguage [language name] - Reload localization files and switch language重新加载本地化文件并切换语言
reload [file name] - Reloads assets重新载入assets文件
time - What time is it?现在是几点?
minidump [file path] - Creates a minidump创建一个小型转储
crash - Cause the application to crash导致应用程序崩溃
debug_mode - Toggles debug mode切换调试模式
release_mode - Toggles release mode切换释放模式
GUI.CreateWidget(gui_test,test_gui) [File name] [Widget name] - Create dummy widget. With 0 arguments the file name will be gui/debug/test_gui.gui, and the widget name will be test_window创建虚拟小部件。参数为0时,文件名将为gui/debug/test_gui.gui,小部件名称将为test_window
GUI.ClearWidgets - Clear dummy widget清除虚拟小部件
helplog - Print out all console commands to game.log file.在game.log文件中显示所有控制台命令。
help [command name] - Print out all console commands or a specific command description.显示所有控制台命令或特定的命令描述。
helphelp - Double Rainbow help.双彩虹协助。
version - Prints the version to the console and the game log.在控制台和游戏日志中显示版本。
tick_day [number of days] - Ticks any number of days勾选任意天数
statistics - Logs statistics日志统计
load [file name] - Load gamestate from savegame on disk从磁盘上的savegame加载gamestate
test_save - Check save and load persistence检查存档和读档持久性
save [file name] - Saves current gamestate to disk将当前的游戏状态保存到磁盘
recalculate_modifiers [{if an argument is given, ALL modifiers will be calculated}] - Recalculates modifiers重新计算修改器
effect [{effect script}] - Execute effect执行效果
run [{effect file}] - Execute effect file in /run在/run中执行效果文件
trigger [{trigger script}] - Test trigger script测试触发脚本
chat [Message] - Send chat message发送聊天消息
play [Character ID] - Change played character更改扮演的角色
observe(ob) - Start observing the game开始观看比赛
hello [Character ID] - Show a character显示角色
hello_history [Scripted history character ID] - Show a character from history显示历史人物
show_title [Title tag] - Show a title显示头衔
find_title [Title name] - Find a title查找头衔
select_province [Province Id] - Select a province选择一个省
change_culture [province id] [culture] - Change culture of a county改变一个县的文化
merge_culture [from culture] [to culture] - Merge all counties of one culture into another culture将同一种文化的所有县合并为一种新文化
gold(cash,dough) [Amount] - Add gold增加黄金
add_piety(piety) [Amount] - Add piety增加虔诚
add_prestige(prestige) [Amount] - Add prestige增加声望
give_title(gt) [Title] [Character ID (optional, the player by default)] - Gives the title to the specified character将头衔赋予指定角色
add_claim(ac) [Character ID (optional, the player by default)] [Title] - Gives the character a claim on the title宣布该角色获得该头衔
age() [Age] [Character ID] - Adds age to the current age在当前年龄基础上增加年龄
historical_id(hist) [Character ID] - Shows the historical id of a character显示角色的历史ID
add_trait(at) [Trait] [Character ID (optional, applies to player character otherwise)] - Adds trait to a character为角色添加特质
set_sexuality [sexuality] [Character ID (optional, applies to player character otherwise)] - Sets the sexuality of a character设置角色的性别
secret_info(si) [character ID (optional)] - Shows all info about all secrets that the character is involved in显示有关角色所涉及的所有秘密的所有信息
remove_trait(rt) [Trait] [Character ID (optional, applies to player character otherwise)] - Removes trait from a character移除角色的特质
pregnancy(child_birth,impregnate) [mother id] [father id (0 or empty for no father)] [instant birth (yes/no)] - Make a character pregnant使角色怀孕
redraw_coa - Redraw coat of arms重绘纹章
yesmen(yesman,debug_yesmen,ym) - AI will always say yes to everything within a day一天之内AI会肯定所有事件
nomen(noman,debug_nomen,nm) - AI will always say no to everything within a day一天之内AI会否定所有事件
watch(ww) - Enables watch windows启用监视窗口
aiwatch - Enables ai watch windows启用AI监视窗口
ai_war_coordinator_watch - Enables AI war coordinator watch window启用AI战争协调员监视窗口
loading_screen(ls) - Stays on the next load screen停留在下一个加载屏幕上
error - Show errors in log在日志中显示错误
test_message [type] [char_id/title_key/goto province_id] - Test sending a message测试发送消息
gamelog - Show game log显示游戏日志
know_schemes - Discovers all schemes target to the player发现所有针对该玩家的阴谋
end_schemes - Ends all schemes target to the player结束所有针对该玩家的阴谋
scripted_tests [pattern (optional)] - Run scripted tests运行脚本测试
force_oos - Force OoS强制OoS
event_queue - Print event queue debug显示事件队列调试
event_counts - Print event debug counts显示事件调试计数
spawn_combat_army [scenario] [combat side] - Spawns attacking or defending side of a combat scenario生成战斗场景中的攻击或防御方
combat [scenario] - Test a scripted combat scenario测试脚本化的战斗场景
combat_test [scenario] [iterations] - Test a scripted combat scenario测试脚本化的战斗场景
charinfo - Toggles the visibility of the character debug info.切换角色调试信息的可见性。
print_randomlog - Prints the current randomlog.显示当前的随机日志。
oos_dump - Dumps OOS info.转储OOS信息。
output_terrain - Outputs province terrain file.输出行省地形文件。
tick_development [Number of ticks] - Tick the spreading of development for X ticks勾选展开X刻度延展
players - Lists all players on server列出服务器上的所有玩家
kick [Player name] - Kicks a player with the given name踢出指定名字的玩家
add_relation [relation name] [char01] [char02] - Adds a scripted relation添加脚本化关系
remove_relation [relation name] [char01] [char02] - Removes a scripted relation删除脚本化关系
add_stress [stress] [character id (optional)] - Add the value to existing stress增加现有压力值
simulate_child_skills [age] [character id (optional)] [iterations] - Zeroes all base skills and simulate growth to a specific age of character (will change age)将角色所有基本技能归零,并模拟成长到特定年龄(将改变年龄)
set_stress [stress] [character id (optional)] - Change stress to the value将压力更改为该值
add_dread [dread] [character id (optional)] - Add the value to existing dread将值添加至现有恐惧
set_dread [dread] [character id (optional)] - Change dread to the value将恐惧更改为该值
set_focus [focus] ]character] - Set a focus for the character为角色设定焦点
add_maa [MAA type] [character] [banner_index] - Add an men-at-arms regiment to the character为角色添加一个被甲武士团
clear(clr) - Clear console.清除控制台。
recalculate_succession [Character ID] - Recalculates the succession of a character重新计算角色的继承
AI.Enable [Character ID] - Enables the AI of a character启用角色的AI
AI.Disable [Character ID] - Disables the AI of a character禁用角色的AI
set_diplomacy [value] [character (optional)] - Sets the diplomacy of a character设定角色的外交
set_martial [value] [character (optional)] - Sets the martial of a character设置角色的武术
set_stewardship [value] [character (optional)] - Sets the stewardship of a character设置角色的管理
set_intrigue [value] [character (optional)] - Sets the intrigue of a character设置角色的谋略
set_learning [value] [character (optional)] - Sets the learning of a character设定角色的学问
set_prowess [value] [character (optional)] - Sets the prowess of a character设置角色的勇猛
change_diplomacy [value] [character (optional)] - Changes the diplomacy of a character改变角色的外交
change_martial [value] [character (optional)] - Changes the martial of a character改变角色的武术
change_stewardship [value] [character (optional)] - Changes the stewardship of a character更改角色的管理
change_intrigue [value] [character (optional)] - Changes the intrigue of a character改变角色的谋略
change_learning [value] [character (optional)] - Changes the learning of a character改变角色的学问
change_prowess [value] [character (optional)] - Changes the prowess of a character改变角色的勇猛
clear_traits [character (optional)] - Removes all the traits of a character删除角色的所有特质
clear_character_modifiers [character (optional)] - Removes all the modifiers of a character删除角色的所有修改器
set_nick(set_nickname) [nick_key] [character (optional)] - Sets the specified nickname to a character为角色设置指定绰号
remove_nick(remove_nickname) [character (optional)] - Removes the nickname of a character删除角色的绰号
timer - Prints out debug timing info显示调试计时信息
timer_start - Starts debug timing开始调试计时
timer_restart - Restarts (resets and starts) debug timing重新启动(重置并启动)调试计时
timer_reset - Resets debug timing重置调试计时
timer_stop - Stops debug timing停止调试计时
timer_dump - Dumps debug timing info转储调试计时信息
Ct - Puts timer info in clipboard将计时器信息放入剪贴板
instabuild(quickbuild) - Players build things instantly玩家立即建造
verify_ai_path - Verify an AI unit's path验证AI单位路径